In the News... (Edited)
This post has been edited from its original version because I found a link I want to bring to light. After posting this link, the Grey Area will return to its regularly scheduled post below.
War On Terrorism Time-Line.
This time-line lays out the events leading up to, and after, the World Trade Center attack, including statements of when policy changed in the Administration, and who was for or against specific action. Read it all, it's well worth it.
Apparently, the President wants to nominate judges who will "strictly interpret the Constitution, and not legislate from the bench." That's funny, isn't that what is really going on in the world? Maybe we need a leader who knows how the law operates. Maybe upholding Constitutional rights no longer qualifies as strictly interpreting the Constitution anymore.
This rhetoric is backwards propaganda, a terrible kind of spin that aims to vilify those in the governmental structure who act against the administration by actually performing their Constitutional duty. I think this probably has something to do with the NSA wiretapping decision, which is interesting since the judge in that case actually followed the language of the Constitution as the President wants the judiciary to do. This spin is taking another interesting direction. It seems like there is a lot of back talking in politics today. If the general sentiment is something like the President is a fascist, then the GOP decides to use it as a new "buzzword" in order to shift the focus to someone else. Interesting tactic, but still vacuous in reality. Keith Olbermann weighs in on this speech with what can only be termed a scathing rebuke. This is definitely worth the time.
Finally, in another showing of extreme stupidity, the western world is now afraid of t-shirt. Maybe the TSA is the one governmental agency that can get away with violating the First Amendment. I guess we will have to wait and see how this will turn out over the next couple of months.