Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Notwithstanding the stupid title, the title link goes to a livejournal post about Alberto Gonzales's speech at Georgetown university school of law today. It was a good day for dissent, and demonstrates that politics denigrates law by misleading the public. Well, maybe just the way the current administration uses politics. (like appointing judges to courts, lie to the public, stack congressional districts...) Anyway, more power to the students, would have loved to participate. I love the way the professors encouraged it. Anyway, made me smile. It proves that Bush's tactics won't work on the educated...Hmm...Tells you something else about this country. Heard an interesting statistic that rural communities control the majoritarian stake in the politics of this country. Literally, over 60% of the house and nearly 75% of the senate. Hold on, it gets better, these are all towns of less than 10,000 residents. All of a sudden, things become clear about politics these days. Ok, back to writing my stuff for moot court and mock trial.

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